
All U.S. donations are tax-exempt.
Starfish International is a 501c3 Non-Profit [EIN #:26-1427966].

Please consider making a monthly donation to invest in our Agents of Change as they serve their communities, their country and the world!  Click below to directly sponsor a Starfish Girl’s education.

[Maximize your impact by using Zell, Google Pay or Cash App ( This will avoid the 3.7% transaction fee we incur using the methods below. Both allow you to earmark the donation. Google Pay allows you to set it up as a recurring donation.  And as always, sending checks to the address below is free.]

Cover her basic tuition.

Cover her tuition and additional educational programs.

Cover her tuition and additional educational programs.
Receive student updates and exchange letters with her, if desired.

Or make a general donation.

Please send checks to:
Starfish International Donations
c/o Jennifer Greenman
246 N. Catalina Street,
Burbank, CA 91505

Please indicate if the donation is earmarked for a specific project.
For in-kind donations, please contact us.

Thank you for serving with us!